Thursday, September 13, 2007

Importing the character mesh into Unreal

Today I managed to get my mesh into the unreal engine (using a default texture, as my character's texture is still in production) and have it run around using animations from a standard Unreal character. I learnt that it's fairly easy and quick to use the standard animations, but because they are designed with carrying guns in mind, they wont be suitable for my characters. Instead I need to design my own animations, and overwrite the standard animation sequences. The biped used in the UT file Male_Skeleton seems to work well with my character mesh, so at least it will save time there.

The only major problem with my mesh seems to be here (looking up his legs under the 'skirt'). The mesh deforms badly and also the seams don't appear to be welded. I should probably be able to fix this by adjusting the rigging. Also, Ive also managed to export a skeleton mesh inside my character mesh, which shows up at inopportune moments, this can be fixed easily by re-exporting the mesh. Will post up the texture shortly, when it's finished.

1 comment:

mistressmittens said...

that looks really good lil. kinda suits the environment with that skin. can't wait to see it when its finished.