Monday, August 20, 2007

zbrush and scripty bits

Oops, been a bit lazy with posting recently. Here's some work I've been doing in zbrush on the character head. The basic shape was imported from the basic 3DS Max mesh shown in the previous post, and then sculpted further in zbrush. Unfortunately the version of UT we're using doesn't accept poly normal mapping (please, correct me if I'm wrong), so I wont actually be able to use it in the machinima. It's still useful in terms of working out the texturing though. I particularly like the wood texture just outside the mouth, which was acheived using a custom alpha brush.

I'm changing the script a bit as well, I've gone off the idea of having them talk about nothing and more thinking about what it would be like if Hindu gods were in a big brother house. I was talking to a friend about it, who's into scriptwriting, and he wrote a little bit, which I love. I dont really like the first bit about the blue puppets, but the rest I'm definately going to use. I'm going to try to have the full script finished soon, and I'll post it then.

Nomination two days after fire incident. Casper is in the diary room.

BB:Who do you nominate for one point and why.

C: Well firstly I want to nominate Bluey because he doesn’t like my jokes about blue puppets and how they’re all pedophiles and drug dealers. I didn’t hang out with many blue puppets when I was getting constructed. I heard they push drugs and fuck kids. He calls me colourist, but he’s just a blue puppet, so he must be lying.

BB: Very good, who do you nominate for 2 points and why?

C: I want to nominate Sean because he tried to kill me.

BB: How does that affect you, as a housemate.

C: I like to live; I was burning to death and he beat me, intending to kill me.

BB: But he didn’t kill you?

C: No, obviously I’m al…

BB: What? So he didn’t even kill you? Your last chance, how do his actions effect YOU, not the other housemates or the postman, but YOU as a HOUSEMATE.

C: Well, I guess they don’t.

BB: This is your final warning, who do you nominate for 2 points for eviction and why!!!

C: Well, I suppose I’ll nominate Sean because he’s also blue.

BB: You may return to the house.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Have started modelling the character today. I'm pretty happy with the head, but the body needs more work or I will run into trouble when it comes to animation. The polycount stands at 2348, before any smoothing is applied. I need to make a final decision on the costume worn by the character as well, before continuing on the body modelling. I also need to work out which animations I will need. I'd like to have a rotation of the arm at the shoulder, from palm facing up to palm facing down - is this easy to do or not? Before finishing the body, I should make up a dummy model and try out my animations with it, to identify any potential problems.